Focus on Physicians:
Insights, Ideas, and Strategies
Learning the Art of Delegation: A SMART Tool for Physicians
Delegating can be a challenging skill for many physicians to master. The need to maintain control over every detail—especially when you bear ultimate responsibility—can make letting go feel risky.
In this article, we’ll explore which tasks are most suitable for delegation, how this practice can strengthen teamwork, and strategies to make the process efficient and effective. Plus, I’ll share a practical template to help you overcome common barriers, enabling you to maximize your team’s potential.
An earlier version of this article appeared on this website in July 2023.
Delegating can be a challenging skill for many physicians to master, but it’s often an integral part of safe and efficient patient care. The need to maintain control over every detail—especially when you bear ultimate responsibility—can make letting go feel risky. That’s why the most effective delegation is not just about offloading tasks; it’s about empowering your team to work at their best.
In this article, we’ll explore which tasks are most suitable for delegation, how this practice can strengthen teamwork, and strategies to make the process efficient and effective. Plus, I’ll share a practical template to help you overcome common barriers, enabling you to maximize your team’s potential.
Of course, you can’t (and won’t) simply assign a task and hope it all works out. Instead, when you delegate, the goal is to get the same or better result than if you did the task yourself.
As a physician, there can be a blurry line between what you need to do to assure the optimal care for your patients and what others must do in order for you to accomplish your best work. Creating a cohesive team mentality will help you to reach these goals with greater confidence.
Begin with creating clarity around responsibilities and purpose. You are the team leader. The goal is to provide the best and most timely care for your patients, and to administer that care with compassion and professionalism. By establishing clear and well documented instructions and expectations, you’ll set your team members up for success.
You may already know about SMART goal setting, but the SMART Delegation mnemonic is a distinct tool designed to help you manage your workload more effectively and make the most of your time. By following its steps, you can delegate tasks successfully while empowering and motivating your team to perform at their best.
SMART Delegation
(Based on the work of Kate Christie of Time Stylers)
SELECT: Choose the best person for the task. This may be someone with little experience but a willingness to learn, or it could be someone with years of practice in the same or related field. Be choosy, but consider thinking outside the box.
MOTIVATE: Motivate your team by explaining why the task is important. This will create buy-in and a sense of importance and pride. This step is important to revisit periodically, especially at first.
ACTIVATE: Explain the details of the task in detail. Be sure to include a checklist if appropriate, and a written guideline that can easily be referred to and updated as needed. Once you put in the work to create the guideline, this bit of heavy lifting is done. This is a crucial part of time management.
RESULTS: Describe and explain clearly what a good result looks like. Be sure your delegated team member understands the purpose of their work, and how to recognize common complications.
TIME FRAME: Set realistic but firm deadlines when implementing new protocols. Consider setting up a mid-point check in if appropriate.
What to Keep in Mind When Delegating
Trust but Verify
Delegation requires trust in your team, but it’s also essential to check in periodically to ensure the task is on track. Verifying progress not only helps catch potential issues early but also reinforces accountability and builds confidence in your team’s ability to meet expectations.
Acknowledge the Learning Curve
Remember, your team or individual members may be learning a new skill. Take time at the outset to be available, approachable, and patient—especially in the early stages. The time you spend now will be paid back in multiples once the process is clear. Ensure the person taking on the task fully understands their role and the expectation that they will eventually handle it independently in most cases.
Keep Communication Open
Maintain open lines of communication so your team feels comfortable seeking help with complications or unexpected situations. Whenever possible, turn their questions into teaching opportunities instead of simply providing answers. Foster a spirit of teamwork by encouraging them to brainstorm solutions and come to their own conclusions, while also offering a safety net of support.
Utilize Supervisors as Needed
If appropriate, involve a supervisor to provide additional support. This allows your team members to seek guidance on minor issues or questions without always relying on you. It also brings the supervisor into the process, building camaraderie by acknowledging their role and creating stronger team cohesion.
Provide Constructive Feedback
Be generous with your praise and constructive criticism. Patience is essential, but if someone consistently struggles to meet expectations, consider delegating the task to someone better suited for it. Avoid slipping back into the time-consuming habit of doing everything yourself.
Embrace Discomfort
Delegating can feel like relinquishing control, so it’s normal to experience some discomfort at first. Be patient with yourself and your team while setting clear and achievable expectations.
The Ripple Effect of Effective Delegation
When you commit to the principles of SMART delegation, you’re not just easing your workload—you’re fostering a culture of trust, accountability, and growth. With the right people and processes in place, delegation can make you more productive, improve safety, strengthen teamwork, and enhance patient satisfaction.
If you’ve enjoyed this article and would like to stay in the loop for more insights on creating a sustainable, fulfilling, and happy life as a physician, sign up for my newsletter or reach out on my website. I’d love to hear from you.
And if you’d like to schedule a complimentary coaching discovery session, click the button below.
Twelve Tips for Creating Realistic To-Do Lists for Busy Physicians
Creating a realistic and actionable To-Do list can feel like a daunting task for a busy physician. But your To-Do list can free up hours of your valuable time, create structure out of chaos, and help you to reach goals that will bring you closer to your ideal life.
In this article, I share twelve actionable and realistic tips that will help you to develop your own sustainable To-Do List practice.
An earlier version of this article was published on this website in July, 2023.
Creating a realistic and actionable To-Do list can feel like a daunting task for a busy physician. But the truth is that your To-Do list can free up hours of your valuable time, create structure out of chaos, and help you to reach goals that will bring you closer to your ideal life.
In this article, I’m going to share twelve actionable and realistic tips that will help you to develop your own sustainable To-Do List practice.
Tip Number One: Write it Out
I encourage you to write out your daily to-do list and carry it with you, rather than using your computer or phone. Research shows that handwriting notes, including important schedule reminders, activates the brain’s memory functions more strongly than entering the information into an electronic device. My favorite tool is my Bullet Journal. But a simple piece of paper that you can slip into your pocket will do.
Tip Number Two: Don’t Include Everything
Your To-Do list should not include patient appointments, consults, rounds, or other foundational tasks of your practice. Instead, use it to create and keep track of tasks such as
✅strategic tasks
✅study time
✅personal appointments
✅any other personal projects that are meaningful to you
Tip Number Three: Make a Weekly Appointment with Your List
Choose a recurrent time to devote ten to fifteen minutes creating a list of your weekly tasks, keeping the above list in mind. For me, Sunday evenings work best.
Be sure to include tasks that may not be due the following week, but that might require planning over the next several weeks to months. For those tasks, make note of the deadline so that you can prompt yourself to plan accordingly. These might include
⭕vacation planning
⭕studying for boards
⭕tax preparation
⭕business planning
⭕writing an article
⭕learning a new skill
Tip Number Four: Take Ten Minutes Every Evening
Each evening, take ten minutes to review your tasks from the day, revisit your weekly task list, and create a list for the following day. It’s easy to add more things to the list than you can reasonably accomplish. To avoid this trap, include a general range of time required to complete each task. That way, you’ll keep your plans realistic and set yourself up for success.
Don’t forget to take into account steps that you need to take to reach your upcoming deadlines. Keep these events in mind as you plan your list and break down the necessary steps into actionable tasks.
Tip Number Five: Prioritize, Delegate, and Delete
Prioritize your tasks so that the most important things take priority.
Before committing to your To-Do list, take a look to see if there are tasks that you can delegate or automate. If so, decide how you are going to do that, and put those steps on your list. Although this can take some time to work out at the beginning, it will save you multiples of time once you’ve put the process in place.
Tip Number Six: Batch Your Tasks
Now that you have your To-Do list, think about how you might organize or cluster several related tasks together. This is known as “batching”. Mentally, this keeps you from constantly switching context, a hazard of multitasking. It can also help you to avoid procrastination.
By batching your tasks, you’ll optimize your time and keep your focus. And that will give you more breathing room, or margin, for the things that matter the most to you.
Tip Number Seven: Take Advantage of Unexpected Open Time
Refer to your list when you find yourself with unexpected open time, especially when the tasks only require limited blocks of concentrated effort. Even 10 minutes of focused work can reduce your in-box burden.
Tip Number Eight: Use a Timer
When possible, use a timer to encourage yourself to maintain focus. Twenty- to thirty-minute segments are usually a good idea. But when you’re struggling to get started, even a five-to-ten-minute commitment can get the task launched.
The important thing is to overcome the inertia that might be holding you back. If possible, turn off notifications on your phone or computer to limit interruptions during high-focus times.
Tip Number Nine: Budget Your Energy
Think about optimizing the way you use your time. Use your low-energy times, like the end of a busy day, for things that demand the least amount of focus. And use the times where you have the most mental energy for those commitments that require creativity and mental flow.
Tip Number Ten: Beware of the Energy Drain from Your Devices
Although device use is a necessity of life, it can also be an attention drain. Consider setting a timer for checking email or surfing the web. And whenever possible, batch your email time so that you’re not constantly checking your inbox. Delete, unsubscribe, or delegate whenever possible.
Tip Number Eleven: Allow Time for a Pause
Whenever feasible, give yourself time for a mental pause. Most people need at least 5-10 minutes per hour in order to maintain optimal focus. Although that may not always be possible during the busiest times of your workday, try to build brief pauses into the structure of your after-hours time.
Consider adding a daily meditation to your To-Do list. You can use this as one of your mental pauses. A brief meditation using one of many available apps (including HeadSpace and Waking Up) may help you to re-focus the mind and let go of the stress of the day. By practicing mindfulness meditation regularly for even a few minutes, you’ll train yourself to become more present and less irritable.
Tip Number Twelve: Don’t Give Up
No matter how you structure your To-Do list, remember that it can take several weeks for a habit to stick. Choose a method that will be easy to access and easy to remember. If you skip a few days, simply start over. And make sure to take a little time at the end of each day to review the day’s tasks and set up your list for tomorrow.
If you’ve enjoyed this article and would like to stay in the loop for more insights on creating a sustainable, fulfilling, and happy life as a physician, sign up for my newsletter or reach out on my website. I’d love to hear from you.
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As a physician coach, I can work with you to explore what’s possible and create a plan that aligns with your personal values and aspirations. Schedule your exploratory conversation with me by clicking the button below.
How to Manage Interruptions and Limit Attention Residue: A Guide for Physicians
Attention residue happens when you switch tasks, but a part of your mind remains stuck on the previous task. The little breadcrumbs that remain can significantly decrease your cognitive performance and make it harder to focus. And once you’re interrupted, no matter whether the issue was urgent or trivial, it’s easy to switch over into another unrelated brain drain, such as checking your email or social media, rather than returning to the task at hand.
In this article, we’ll explore strategies that you can use to retake control of your mental focus, manage interruptions, and minimize attention residue in your daily practice.
It’s not just your imagination. It’s more challenging than ever to maintain your mental focus at work.
💉 EHR alerts
💉 Phone notifications
💉 Interruptions from staff
💉 Attention sapping apps
All of these and more conspire to make focus more difficult than ever before.
These constant interruptions and the lingering effects of shifting attention, known as attention residue, can severely hamper not only your effectiveness and productivity, but also your own well-being.
Resolving the current state of disorder in healthcare will require systemic change, including a fundamental shift in the functionality of many EHRs.
But protecting your headspace is a critical skill that can help you stay above the fray.
In this article, we’ll explore strategies that you can use to retake control of your mental focus, manage interruptions, and minimize attention residue in your daily life and practice.
Understanding Attention Residue
Attention residue happens when you switch tasks, but a part of your mind remains stuck on the previous task.
The little breadcrumbs that remain can jumble up your thoughts and make it harder to focus. And once you’re interrupted, no matter whether the issue was urgent or trivial, it’s easy to switch over into another unrelated brain drain, such as checking your email or social media, rather than returning to the task at hand.
Realistically, interruptions are a part of life in most medical settings. Apart from a few innovative healthcare systems, the current state of affairs creates the perfect setup for attention residue.
Each interruption requires a mental reset, which can take a considerable amount of time and effort. Ultimately this leads not only to decreased productivity and lost focus, but also to increased stress.
This isn’t just theoretical. Research looking at Emergency Department physicians and nurses has found that interruptions from a broad range of sources can seriously degrade the ability to remain focused and aware. What’s more, the disruptions in this study occurred on average about 11 times every hour.
Strategies to Regain Mental Focus
Ideally, our healthcare system leaders will realize the importance of creating pathways that will minimize interruptions. This process is underway in a number of medical systems. But even under the best of circumstances, interruptions are going to happen. Here are a few ways that you can limit the mental drain.
Prioritize and Plan
This can be a difficult step for physicians, since we don’t always have control over the way the day might go. But simply outlining your top priorities can help by giving you a focus and a “north star” for the day,
Start your day by outlining your top priorities. Whenever possible, highlight high-impact tasks when your mental energy is at its peak. For many people, that is the first thing in the morning.
Use tools like the Eisenhower Matrix (also known as the Time-Priority Matrix) to distinguish between urgent and important tasks, and mitigate those less important time-wasters.
Time Blocking
Whenever possible, consider setting aside specific time blocks for different types of tasks. For example, set aside uninterrupted time to study for your boards, or for administrative work. If you have some control over your schedule at work, scheduling similar patient visits may be helpful, so that your mental flow is less likely to be interrupted.
Communicate your schedule and your plan to create these focused blocks of time to your team (or your family) to minimize unnecessary interruptions. Getting buy-in from your schedulers and administrative staff can help to make time blocking work for you.
Mindfulness and Meditation
Consider incorporating mindfulness practices into your daily routine. Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga can help improve focus and reduce stress.
Meditation in particular has been found to be helpful in improving attention, focus, and memory and reducing stress. Just like medication or physical therapy, it’s important to be consistent. In one study, it took 8 weeks of regular practice before the impact of meditation was clear.
Taking a mindful pause before and after each patient, study, or procedure is a great way to mentally reset. In many cases, even this very brief break can improve your efficiency.
Meditation might sound intimidating, but it’s really quite simple. This article shows you how you can easily get started. Don’t just think of meditation as something that you can investigate when you have the time. There is good evidence that engaging in a regular meditation practice can enhance your attention and mental efficiency.
Limit Multitasking
Multitasking used to be considered a superpower. But now we know that when people multitask, they often make more mistakes. And because of inefficiency, it may actually take longer to get tasks done than if each one was done separately. That’s especially likely if both tasks require mental energy, rather than rote memory.
By focusing on one task at a time, you may improve the quality of your work, reduce the cognitive load, and actually save time.
If you have tasks that are time-consuming and not realistically amenable to completion in one sitting, break them down into smaller, more manageable steps. That way you can think of each step as a separate and achievable task. It can be helpful to write each of these sub-tasks out and check it off the list when it’s completed.
As you knock out these smaller to-dos, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment. That can reduce the attention residue that builds up when you stress about unfinished work.
Set Boundaries
It’s not surprising that research has found that interruptions increase the likelihood of errors, which may put your patients at risk.
What’s more, these unwanted intrusions also impact your own mental well-being, provoking measurably high levels of anxiety and annoyance.
Ideally, set clear boundaries with colleagues, staff, and patients regarding when you are available for interruptions.
When practical, limit social and nonessential chatter when you’re focused on something that requires deep thought or careful consideration. Reading studies, creating notes, reviewing charts, and developing treatment plans all fall into this category.
Use simple visual cues, like a closed door or a "Do Not Disturb Unless Urgent" sign. Distractions can’t all be eliminated, but taking these and other attention-preserving actions will likely build awareness and respect for your focused time.
It can also be helpful to set expectations with patients and staff that non-urgent in-box messages will only be addressed during or after certain hours of the day.
Maintaining mental focus requires practical, intentional strategies and consistent effort. By experimenting with some or all of the steps I’ve listed above, you will enhance your ability to concentrate, manage interruptions, and reduce attention residue.
Developing these practices will not only improve your productivity but also contribute to better patient care and support your own vital well-being.
If you’ve enjoyed this article and would like to stay in the loop for more insights on creating a sustainable, fulfilling, and happy life as a physician, sign up for my newsletter or reach out on my website. I’d love to hear from you.
If you’d like to learn more about my coaching practice, you can schedule a complimentary introductory meeting by clicking the link below.
Getting Unstuck: How a Simple Mind Shift Can Move Your Life Forward
If you’re a physician, you’re probably juggling patient care, administrative tasks, and personal responsibilities like a boss. But when you feel the need for something beyond the daily routine, it can feel daunting. It can seem overwhelming from the inside looking out. But there is a way through, and it begins with understanding why you feel stuck.
In this article, I’ll explore common reasons that physicians feel immobilized, and I’ll offer you some strategies that will get you moving forward with purpose.
If you’re a physician, you’re probably juggling patient care, administrative tasks, and personal responsibilities like a boss. But when you feel the need for something beyond the daily routine, it can feel daunting.
Whether it’s getting up to speed with a new procedure, launching a research study, trying to get some time for self-care, or considering making a complete change of practice or location, it’s easy to feel like you’re stuck in an endless loop, unable to break free.
In my practice as a physician coach, I frequently encounter these common challenges. It can seem overwhelming from the inside looking out. But there is a way through, and it begins with understanding why you feel stuck.
In this article, I’ll explore common reasons that physicians feel immobilized, and I’ll offer you some strategies that will get you moving forward with purpose.
Break the Cycle of Repetition
Doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results, is not only the classic definition of insanity but it’s also a common trap. Whether it's procrastinating on completing notes, avoiding difficult conversations, or never saying no, these habits can perpetuate your feelings of frustration and stagnation.
Routine can be comforting, since you know what to expect, but it may also be a barrier to growth. When you’re caught up in an endless cycle of repetitive tasks, it’s easy to lose sight of what matters the most to you.
Strategy: Starting small can open up a crack that allows you to see a little more light. As simple as it sounds, begin by introducing small changes in your routine. This could mean taking a different route to work, setting aside just 10 minutes a day to walk or stretch, or incorporating new learning into your practice. Sometimes, the smallest adjustments can lead to significant shifts in perspective and outcomes.
Spring Free of the Inaction Trap
If you don’t take action, you will not get yourself unstuck. It’s that simple. But the fear of making the wrong decision often squashes the potential for change. That doesn’t mean it’s not important to think through your decisions. Be thoughtful and judicious, but don’t get stuck in an infinite cycle of analysis. Realize that taking action can mean taking the smallest of steps.
Strategy: Embrace the concept of ‘progress, not perfection.' Understand that inaction is a decision in itself, and it can be more harmful to your wellbeing and your future opportunities than making an imperfect decision. Start with very small, manageable actions that align with your goals and gradually increase the stakes as you build confidence.
Unaddressed Issues
Not dealing with problems as they arise means that they are given free rein to accumulate. Eventually these unresolved issues may begin to feel overwhelming. And as a consequence, this drag on your energy will make it harder to move forward. Whether it's patient care issues, administrative challenges, or personal matters, avoiding problems doesn't make them disappear.
Strategy: Commit to a proactive approach. Tackle important issues as they arise. You don’t need to solve every pressing problem on the fly. But by putting it in its place, it won’t be overlooked. That could mean delegating, scheduling committed time to address the issue, or even saying no. This not only prevents important issues from escalating but also builds a habit of facing challenges with purposeful action.
The Burden of Incomplete Tasks
Like unresolved issues, incomplete notes and tasks can be a significant source of mental load, leading to a feeling of being perpetually behind and unable to move forward. This is a very common issue for physicians, and one of the most important ones to get a handle on quickly. Your own well-being as well as your patients’ care depends on it.
Strategy: Get those notes done. Use templates, smart phrases, and any other resources available to you to make your notes concise, accurate, and useful. Prioritize and delegate the other tasks crowding your in-box. Addressing each task once and moving on, keeping your responses brief and succinct will help you get through your list. Consider adopting time management techniques, such as the Pomodoro Technique or time-blocking, to efficiently tackle your workload.
The Value Dilemma
Objectively, you probably know you’re valued. Despite the turmoil that many physicians face every day, your patients need you, and the work you do makes a difference.
But it’s easy to undervalue yourself, undermining your self-confidence. You’re not alone. Not believing in one’s own value is a common issue that affects how many doctors perceive their abilities and their worth. And as a result, you may miss opportunities, fail to stand up for yourself, put up with toxic working conditions, or take on projects that go against your won best interests.
Strategy: Practice self-reflection and affirmation. Remind yourself of your achievements and the unique value you bring to your patients and the medical field. Journaling can be a very useful exercise. Keep a folder or a box with notes from patients and others who express appreciation and give yourself a few moments to revisit this when you’re feeling down.
Seek feedback from peers and mentors when you need it and consider engaging with a coach to build self-confidence and set achievable and meaningful goals.
Conforming to Expectations
Playing to other people's narratives is a common trap that can lead you down a path that doesn't align with your values or aspirations, leaving you feeling stuck in an unfulfilling or ill-fitting role. This is another theme that plays out for so many physicians. It often begins with family expectations, and it may eventually become a way of life.
Strategy: Define your own success. Take time to reflect on what success means to you, independent of anyone else’s expectations. Setting personal and professional goals based on your values and aspirations will ensure that your actions align with who you are and how you want to live your life.
Moving Forward
Feeling stuck doesn’t have to be a way of life. By understanding the underlying reasons and adopting targeted strategies, you can navigate your way out of the quicksand of stagnation.
Take the time to understand your value and remind yourself of the resilience that got you this far. Think of change as a catalyst. Create and then begin to implement a plan to take action, one step after another. Remind yourself that fulfillment is a process that can lead to unexpected growth and opportunities.
If you’ve enjoyed this article and would like to stay in the loop for more insights on creating a sustainable, fulfilling, and happy life as a physician, sign up for my newsletter or reach out on my website. I’d love to hear from you.
And if you’d like to schedule a complimentary introductory meeting with me, click the link below.
Bike Shedding for Physicians: Avoiding Trivial Time Wasters
Your time is precious. You have a demanding and consuming professional life. In all likelihood, you're juggling multiple priorities at any given time. Sometimes the most trivial issues seem to claim the most attention. But as a physician, it's important to be able to focus on the things that really matter, and to avoid getting dragged down into the weeds.
It’s useful to consider the phenomenon known as bike shedding. In a nutshell, bike shedding is a term used to describe the tendency to spend disproportionate amounts of time and energy on relatively minor issues, while neglecting more important but complex concerns.
Your time is precious. You have a demanding and consuming professional life. In all likelihood, you're juggling multiple priorities at any given time. Sometimes it’s the most trivial issues that seem to claim the most attention. But as a physician, it's important to be able to focus on the things that really matter, and to avoid getting dragged down into the weeds.
It’s useful to consider the phenomenon known as bike shedding. The term was coined by C. Northcote Parkinson, a British management expert and naval historian, in the 1950s. In introducing the idea of bike shedding, he described a committee meeting that is called to discuss a specific financial agenda. On the agenda is:
a nuclear power plant costing tens of millions of dollars
a bike shed for the plant costing a few hundred dollars
a coffee budget amounting to about twenty-five bucks
The nuclear power plant is way out of anyone’s comfort zone, and no one wants to look ignorant or ask too many questions. So they quickly approve the budget and proceed to focus on the more familiar topic of the bike shed. After extensive discussion, argument, and finally compromise and agreement, they complete the deliberations over the bike shed with a feeling of satisfaction. They round out the meeting with an hour-long debate over the coffee budget, a topic on which they all have a strong opinion.
In a nutshell, bike shedding is a term used to describe the tendency to spend disproportionate amounts of time and energy on relatively minor issues, while neglecting more important but complex concerns. If you’ve spent any time in committee meetings, you can probably relate to this phenomenon. Issues such as EHR functionality and staff management can sometimes also fall into this category.
But bike shedding can also happen in your personal life. For example, you might spend hours researching the perfect running shoes, instead of focusing on your training plan. Or you might spend days agonizing over the color scheme of your living room, while putting aside more important but troublesome family issues at home.
It’s natural to want to escape from stressful decisions by focusing on things that don’t really matter. And the importance of taking time to rest and refresh cannot be overstated. But spending that precious time perseverating over things that are not meaningful can be counterproductive. The bigger problems are still looming. What’s worse, these are the issues that tend to build up steam the longer they are ignored. Eventually you may find that you are compelled to take action, whether you feel ready or not.
Here are a few tips for avoiding bike shedding in your personal and professional lives:
Identify your priorities. What's most important to you? Once you know your priorities, you can make decisions more easily and avoid getting bogged down in trivial matters and unnecessary conflicts.
Delegate. If you can delegate tasks, do it. Delegation is important both at home and at work. This will free up your time so you can focus on the things that matter most.
Remember the big picture. When you're feeling overwhelmed, take a step back. What are your long-term professional goals? What do you want to achieve in your personal life? How can you break that down into achievable steps? Keeping your goals in mind will help you to stay focused on the important things.
Set boundaries. It's important to set boundaries so that you spend your time purposefully. This could mean saying no to extra work commitments with little upside so that you can make time for yourself and your loved ones. Or it could mean giving up your spot on the neighborhood committee that causes you stress and lost sleep, when you’d really rather be gardening.
It’s natural to default to bike shedding. It’s a way of avoiding stress and putting off difficult questions. But it's something that you can learn to recognize, navigate, and redirect. If you find yourself getting caught up in bike shedding, try to take a step back and ask yourself if it's really worth your time and energy. If not, let it go and move on.
By following the tips above and then building your own strategies, you will protect your time and energy and focus on the things that matter most.
If you’ve enjoyed this article and would like to stay in the loop for more insights on creating a sustainable, fulfilling, and happy life as a physician, sign up for my newsletter or reach out on my website. I’d love to hear from you.
And if you’d like to schedule a complimentary coaching discovery session, click the button below.