Mindful Physician Coaching

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Twelve Tips for Creating Realistic To-Do Lists for Busy Physicians

An earlier version of this article was published on this website in July, 2023.

Creating a realistic and actionable To-Do list can feel like a daunting task for a busy physician. But the truth is that your To-Do list can free up hours of your valuable time, create structure out of chaos, and help you to reach goals that will bring you closer to your ideal life.

In this article, I’m going to share twelve actionable and realistic tips that will help you to develop your own sustainable To-Do List practice.

Tip Number One: Write it Out

I encourage you to write out your daily to-do list and carry it with you, rather than using your computer or phone.  Research shows that handwriting notes, including important schedule reminders, activates the brain’s memory functions more strongly than entering the information into an electronic device. My favorite tool is my Bullet Journal. But a simple piece of paper that you can slip into your pocket will do.

Tip Number Two: Don’t Include Everything

Your To-Do list should not include patient appointments, consults, rounds, or other foundational tasks of your practice. Instead, use it to create and keep track of tasks such as


✅strategic tasks


✅study time

✅personal appointments



creative endeavors

✅any other personal projects that are meaningful to you

Tip Number Three: Make a Weekly Appointment with Your List

Choose a recurrent time to devote ten to fifteen minutes creating a list of your weekly tasks, keeping the above list in mind. For me, Sunday evenings work best.

Be sure to include tasks that may not be due the following week, but that might require planning over the next several weeks to months. For those tasks, make note of the deadline so that you can prompt yourself to plan accordingly. These might include



⭕vacation planning

⭕studying for boards

⭕tax preparation

⭕business planning

⭕writing an article

⭕learning a new skill

Tip Number Four: Take Ten Minutes Every Evening

Each evening, take ten minutes to review your tasks from the day, revisit your weekly task list, and create a list for the following day. It’s easy to add more things to the list than you can reasonably accomplish. To avoid this trap, include a general range of time required to complete each task. That way, you’ll keep your plans realistic and set yourself up for success.

Don’t forget to take into account steps that you need to take to reach your upcoming deadlines. Keep these events in mind as you plan your list and break down the necessary steps into actionable tasks.

Tip Number Five: Prioritize, Delegate, and Delete

Prioritize your tasks so that the most important things take priority.

Before committing to your To-Do list, take a look to see if there are tasks that you can delegate or automate. If so, decide how you are going to do that, and put those steps on your list. Although this can take some time to work out at the beginning, it will save you multiples of time once you’ve put the process in place.

Tip Number Six: Batch Your Tasks

Now that you have your To-Do list, think about how you might organize or cluster several related tasks together. This is known as “batching”. Mentally, this keeps you from constantly switching context, a hazard of multitasking. It can also help you to avoid procrastination.

By batching your tasks, you’ll optimize your time and keep your focus. And that will give you more breathing room, or margin, for the things that matter the most to you.

Tip Number Seven: Take Advantage of Unexpected Open Time

Refer to your list when you find yourself with unexpected open time, especially when the tasks only require limited blocks of concentrated effort. Even 10 minutes of focused work can reduce your in-box burden.

Tip Number Eight: Use a Timer

When possible, use a timer to encourage yourself to maintain focus. Twenty- to thirty-minute segments are usually a good idea. But when you’re struggling to get started, even a five-to-ten-minute commitment can get the task launched.

The important thing is to overcome the inertia that might be holding you back. If possible, turn off notifications on your phone or computer to limit interruptions during high-focus times.

Tip Number Nine: Budget Your Energy

Think about optimizing the way you use your time. Use your low-energy times, like the end of a busy day, for things that demand the least amount of focus. And use the times where you have the most mental energy for those commitments that require creativity and mental flow.

Tip Number Ten: Beware of the Energy Drain from Your Devices

Although device use is a necessity of life, it can also be an attention drain. Consider setting a timer for checking email or surfing the web. And whenever possible, batch your email time so that you’re not constantly checking your inbox. Delete, unsubscribe, or delegate whenever possible.

Tip Number Eleven: Allow Time for a Pause

Whenever feasible, give yourself time for a mental pause. Most people need at least 5-10 minutes per hour in order to maintain optimal focus. Although that may not always be possible during the busiest times of your workday, try to build brief pauses into the structure of your after-hours time.

Consider adding a daily meditation to your To-Do list. You can use this as one of your mental pauses. A brief meditation using one of many available apps (including HeadSpace and Waking Up) may help you to re-focus the mind and let go of the stress of the day. By practicing mindfulness meditation regularly for even a few minutes, you’ll train yourself to become more present and less irritable.

Tip Number Twelve: Don’t Give Up

No matter how you structure your To-Do list, remember that it can take several weeks for a habit to stick. Choose a method that will be easy to access and easy to remember. If you skip a few days, simply start over. And make sure to take a little time at the end of each day to review the day’s tasks and set up your list for tomorrow.

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